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Environmental Consensus Internet Forum in 2006

This project could be divided as 3 major parts:(1) To select the proper environmental issues (2) To construct a web forum for these issues (3) Discuss 3 issues on the web forum、(4) To hold a environmental consensus workshop. This is the third time to hold an environmental consensus workshop in Taiwan. The purpose is to form a bottom up strategy for collecting opinions from the laypeople. For preparing the workshop、to select proper issues and construct a web site forum is necessary for better warm-up and clear focus. At the beginning of this project、many issues are discussed、then、three of then were selected as the priorities on the web forum. After assessment and approval、the 2nd issue concentrated more attentions from people who visited the web forum. Therefore、this issue titled 「Would you agree the vehicle amount control policy?」 was selected to be the issue for the consensus workshop. This workshop was held through 5 Sundays from Oct.15 to Nov.5. Seventeen laypeople attend the whole process of this workshop. After education and discussion、they finally made a conclusion report about this issue. Their main point is:「Agree vehicle amount control policy conditionally、and a complete set of vehicle policy should be accompanied.」There are several news reports related to this decision report subsequently. The issue had been getting more attention from society. The consensus workshop become a new model which not only to collect the information from laypeople but also a good reference for the government decisions.
consensus conference, internet forum, bottom up strategy, citizen participation